The Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment (OGIA) is an independent office responsible for assessing impacts from resource development in Queensland, including coal seam gas (CSG), conventional oil and gas, and mining; and then developing and supporting proactive strategies for managing those impacts.

OGIA is not a regulator. It is uniquely positioned to bring together the science and resource management. Its work is primarily focused on scientific investigation, modelling and monitoring relating to groundwater impacts, and support of an adaptive management framework for managing the impacts within cumulative management areas (CMAs) in Queensland.

The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water provides corporate and administrative support to OGIA. The work undertaken by OGIA is provided to the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, which is responsible for regulatory compliance of groundwater management strategies and actions identified by OGIA. This includes statutory obligations on individual tenure holders for the proactive ‘make good’ of impacts on water supply, mitigation measures for impacts on groundwater-dependent ecosystems and installation of monitoring networks.


News and events

Review of CSG-induced subsidence

In late 2023, the GasFields Commission Queensland (GFCQ) undertook a review of the regulatory framework for CSG-induced subsidence. That review resulted in a number of recommendations being made to government. The Department of Resources has accepted the GFCQ’s review and announced that it will support six of the eight recommendations in full and two in principle. Several actions will be undertaken to address these recommendations, including:

  • developing a new framework to assess, manage and compensate for CSG-induced subsidence impacts to farming operations
  • expanding the remit of OGIA to provide advice on subsidence and develop tools to assess the impacts of subsidence on farming operations.

Read more about the Department of Resources response to the GFCQ’s review of CSG-induced subsidence.

Annual review 2023 for the Surat UWIR

In January 2024, OGIA published the Annual review 2023 for the Surat UWIR (PDF, 1.9MB), providing an update on changes to circumstances that may materially affect the impact predictions reported in the UWIR 2021.

New journal papers published

In May 2024, scientists from OGIA published two journal papers:

Read more about OGIA’s publications and reports.

Aerial groundwater survey of the Condamine Alluvium

In May 2023, OGIA conducted an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey of the western Condamine Alluvium, between Dalby and Cecil Plains.

OGIA commissioned SkyTEM Australia to complete the survey, which took around one week to complete. The purpose of the helicopter survey was to improve understanding groundwater connectivity.

  • This is the about us icon for the index page. It is a stylised line drawing graphic representing one person standing in front of two people.

    About us

    OGIA’s role in groundwater management, assessing and developing strategies for managing the impacts on groundwater from resource development

  • This is the impact icon for the index page. It is a stylised line drawing graphic representing a bore or well.

    Understanding groundwater impact

    Understand the impact of resource development on groundwater

  • This is the Surat CMA icon for the index page. It is a stylised line drawing graphic representing an outline of a map of Queensland  with the area of the Surat CMA overlaid

    The Surat CMA

    Geology, resource activity and reporting in the Surat CMA

  • This is the publications icon for the index page. It is a stylised line drawing graphic representing three pages laid one on top of each other

    Publications and reports

    Links to Surat UWIR, technical reports, previous annual reviews and research update papers and technical notes

  • This is the tools icon for the index page. It is a stylised line drawing graphic representing an open ended spanner on top of a cog on top of a computer screen

    Products and tools

    Use OGIA's tools to support your business and understand groundwater management

  • This is the news icon for the index page. It is a stylised line drawing graphic representing a news page with a megaphone in front.

    Your questions answered

    Your questions answered

  • This is the contact icon for the index page. It is a stylised line drawing graphic representing a head and shoulders of a person on a page in a ring bound book..

    Contact us

    Connect with OGIA and other stakeholders, provide some feedback or ask a question